As a way to put into perspective a clearer image of what ought to be the vocation I shall take, aided with literature and readings ; all whilst adhering to a firm avoidance of the current's fetishism of "intellect". I compiled a reading list containing the works I consider most to be pivotal of my "ligne de pensée", an inspiration for those whom are reading these words aswell.

The list does not adhere to a particular order, yet I deemed it necessary to establish an order by lines.

Line n1 consists of works whose main focus is a critique of the modernist/post-modernist condition ; le wrong within our susciety, a huge emphasis on

>muh technology le bad

>muh capitalism le bad

that is to say, both the fiction world of Huxley's BNW and Wallace's Infinite Jest present a terrible insight on what is to come, were we to cling on to the capitalist-consoom-hedonism triad ; Adorno's "Culture Industry" a short non-fic work with its main thesis being the simulcarum-like banality of the medias ; a fecal projection of humanity's debris. And unc Baud's Consumer Society, a work I read in french last year and one which I intend to re-read (highly recommended).

le wrong is apprehended, it's joever and muh satan/ahriman is D-DDOMINATING *in quake sound-effect* but before you fall into the depths of the nihil and start the voracious meatriding of Schoppy and NEETzsche, consooming muh aesthetic instagram lit page for your endgame to become a tronned-out Deleuzian ; we kindly remind you (or rather suggest you, le choix est à vous) that there is another. To imply psychoanalysis as a salvator is surely an absurd, even crazy suggestion ; yet bear with us for that we shall elaborate on the why.

I am mostly unfamiliar with Freud, yet being a direct inspiration for a person whom I consider to be highly influential (C.G Jung) ; it would have been injustice not to include some of his works on the list. Choosing his "Introduction to Psychoanalysis" ; the title being enough of an indicator as to why it is an important read and "Beyond The Pleasure Principle" for introducing what my "I" considers to be a seminal concept of his ; introduction of the "Eros/Thanatos" dichotomy (a deeper study was conducted in his "Civilisation and Its Discontents" ; I opted for the former being of a better grasp) which I have written an article about on this very website (introducing the logos as an important catalyst aswell).

>be Carl Gustav Jung

>have hallucinatory visions and revelations from the ripe age of infancy, eagerly desire to unveil the mystery behind said condition.

>become a close friend and colleague of Freud, have multiple correspondances and perform lectures alongside him.

>btfo his vision of the libidnal energy,dreams and the Id being a sole coom-fantasy dumpster ; spice it up with a collective foundation of the unconscious and introduce religion as a main and crucial aspect of the human condition.

>trigger deh mommmy joo, become even more schizo and write your visions in a journal ; pursue multiple studies in alchemy,religion,mythology in order to confirm said theories.

>die and lose all your credibility as a "soyentist" because muh mysticism, have plebs and new-age nvggas meatride you.

Jung is the cooler Freud; I am not a bona-fide jungian but his work and as cliché as it may sound, has brought me back to God ; I did not read "Man and His Symbols" but given the buzz generated around the work being a layman approach to Jungian thought it got included in the chart instead of his "Modern Man In Search Of A Soul"; a collection of lectures akin to Freud's "Introduction" (bonus reading => Fromm's"The Forgotten Language").

Oh my, who would have thought it to be a reading chart without including chud-core's top nova writer ; Guénon (PBUH).